Monday, October 8, 2012

Doc Project 1

For the first Doc project I decided to make a photo documentary representing the observational mode.  In the series of pictures that I assembled into a single sequence we can see that there is not real order to them nor is there a clear message as to purpose of the pictures.  The only representation that these pictures have is that of random people going about their own business living life as it is in the current state.
The pictures show what actually happens when students travel between classes.  It has a sense of randomness to it because there is no organization; it simply shows actual events without any interaction or notice of the filmmaker.  In the reading it talks about a few observational documentaries like High School and Primary in which there were no rehearsals, no interviews, no retakes.  In this documentary that I made I simply went on campus and took pictures of people without any interaction which allowed  me to capture the natural feel of what you actually see on campus in between classes.
 Observational documentaries don't have an solid and clear message spoken in the film because its without script; its just random.  The book talks about how with observational documentaries, everything captured is up for discussion and debate as far as the message behind the image.  In class we spoke about the film High School  and the hidden messages illustrated behind the image about gender roles and society.  In my documentary we can similarly see hidden messages within the images through commonalities that some pictures have.  For example, there are some pictures of couples walking together which could mean that lots of students like to date.  There are a variety of different kinds of people in the pictures which portray the rounded character that BYU has; muslims, military, artists etc.  messages can be found within this documentary, but note as the reading stated its all up for discussion and agreement.
My documentary truthfully shows students on campus living life as it is for them.  They have no guide other than their own agency which captured on camera shows what one can see if you just observe.  Therefore this documentary well fits in the observational mode of documentary film.

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