Monday, October 15, 2012

The participatory mode of documentary is much like the observational mode in the idea of filming real people, real situations, in the exact reality they live in.  However, the major difference between the two is that in participatory mode the filmmaker actually interacts with their subjects instead of only sitting by to observe. The reason behind this, as explained in the reading, is that this form of documentary is meant to portray the world as it is represented by someone who is actively engaged with what is being recorded.  Personally I think it helps illustrate a stronger sense of reality because it appears more organic when there is involvement between the filmmaker and the subjects.
I think that by allowing the filmmaker to actively participate in certain situations of the documentary it delivers details and less analysis.  This is because the filmmaker can document an event and involve her/himself by asking the people in the shot questions that explain what is happening.  Therefore, the audience is left with facts rather than their own analysis to predict what is really going on.
As discussed in class, the filmmaker can involve themselves in a variety of different ways; which can help the audience better understand the current conditions that are being recorded.  For example, in the film we watched about the miners going on strike the filmmaker would ask questions about the current conditions they were facing.  Sometimes the filmmaker can even appear in the shot itself and speak to the audience as they are asking questions or describing the situation they are in.  
In this youtube video there is a woman who started what’s called vlogs (video blogs) and she documents her life with a simple camera talking to people about her upcoming concert in the area.  I don't think that to some this would be considered your average participatory mode documentary.  However, it does meet the criteria in documenting real people, in real situations, that involve the filmmaker participating in some way. 
Participatory mode I find to be a little more fascinating than other modes of documentary.  This is so mainly because I think we can obtain more factual information about the story and that can sometimes make the film more entertaining in my opinion.

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