Saturday, September 8, 2012

Blog Post 2

The idea of what a documentary is and what matters of importance they touch I believe to be very fascinating and worth it for everyone to research.  Every time I think of documentary I think of something somewhat educational in the sense that whatever documentary I watch I will gain some form of knowledge that could be beneficial for me to know in the future.
  As written the the book "Introduction to Documentary" by Bill Nichols these types of film typically show a process based on matters that deal with reality, real people or what really happened in a given situation.  In the film we watched in class we could see these characteristics as the process was portrayed of a small country struggling to obtain their freedom from a corrupt government.  The process showed how it started with a small number of people, then progressed in a way that religious leaders pitched in.  This then resulted in a large mass of people joining the cause to free themselves from the chains the government had locked them in.  Because documentaries tend to have a lot more information than say a narrative film, we can see that there are more camera shots and activity going on in each shot.  I believe this to be helpful for the audience to obtain as much information about the reality that a documentary is attempting to illustrate.
I watched a clip this week that I thought to be very interesting concerning the issues of today.  It was on youtube and it documented an interview done by the man who's book was made into a documentary called "Obamas America 2016".  The clip I believe to be a form of documentary because it discussed real issues about real people.  It also shows the process of the interview as the interviewer asks a few questions to Obamas half brother.
I think that documentaries are an important part of film.  They help us understand the world and the realities that are around us.

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