Monday, November 12, 2012

Autobiographical Mode

From my understanding autobiographical documentary is documented footage of an individual’s experiences in their own life through their own eyes.  The name autobiographical seems to reflect the word biography which is a detailed description of someone’s life in terms of what they went through, how they faced challenges, personal experiences etc.  A lot of times there is a narrator who tells the story with the images reflecting moments in their life.  This element helps in clarifying the message behind the image; therefore delivering more factual information about the subject of the film.  Basically this type of documentary is a history film about the history of an individual. 
In the Nichols reading it talks about how sometimes with documentarians they become fascinated with random things in the environment like dirt that don’t have much to do with the actual content but can still compliment the overall message.  I find this to sometimes be a distracting factor like in the series of films we watched about a teenage girl.  However, with careful analysis we can conclude with a hidden idea portrayed in the mind of the filmmaker that would help us better understand the mindset of the subject.  This in turn would help the audience connect better with the filmmaker and understand their history; which is one of the purposes I believe to be behind autobiographical documentaries.
I thought it was interesting our class discussion on this documentary mode.  I really enjoyed the variety of opinions concerning the content of these types of documentaries and how not everyone connected with some of the films.  However, let me explain this somewhat pessimistic appearing comment.  I always like it when we can hear both sides of an argument/opinion about a certain subject.  For example, the group of films we watched that were made by the teenage girl brought out different views as far as if it was really a film that should be noted.  I will admit I did find it hard to connect with these documentaries, but later I came to an interesting conclusion that maybe that is not the point.  As discussed in class autobiographical documentaries portray the life of another and how they see the world they have lived in.  It is genuine, personal, and factual according to the filmmaker.  Now, perhaps the reason behind my difficulty in connecting with her films was because I see the world differently and have not experienced the same challenges as her.  Despite this observation I have found that autobiographical documentaries have a purpose to inform the audience facts about an individual portrayed in a way that the filmmaker best understands.
I watched a short autobiographical documentary about Paul McCartney and his life starting out as a simple song writer then eventually becoming part of the biggest rock group in the history of music.  It was narrated by Paul McCartney and he goes off to explain his history in the music industry while images are portrayed of himself playing at concerts and hanging out with his fellow band members.  This is a perfect example of autobiographical documentary because it is the life history of Paul McCartney in his own perspective.  Whether others agree with him or not is up to the audience, but the point is to show the world, this is what Paul McCartney thought about his life and the world.

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