Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Doc Mode Project 3 Autobiography

In this autobiographical documentary I tell the tale of an experience that occurred in my life that emulates a journey which expands throughout my high school career.  Much like an autobiographical documentary I watched on youtube about Paul McCartney this film takes a certain time period in an individual’s life (me) and uses voice over audio as well as images to portray what I am speaking about.   
I decided to make a film that was a lot like the radio documentary we watched in class about the boy who spoke slowly.  But, I also wanted to give the audience an image to focus their eyes on as well; therefore playing with the audio, I decided to place pictures of myself playing volleyball and at the hospital.  I feel that these two elements of image and audio would help the audience feel more connected with my story and who I am as a person.  Much like the autobiographical documentaries we watched in class this film tells a story based on my own perspective.  As we know autobiography comes from the root word biography which is the narrative describing and individual’s experiences in life.  This film is the biography of my high school years playing volleyball and what I learned from them.
               We must also take into account that autobiographical documentaries have a message illustrated to the audience that is tells them more than just realistic info about the subject.  In this particular autobiography, I explain to the audience that despite the bumps in the road, one can still achieve his/her ultimate goal; but we must keep an open mind and understand that we may have to take a different path to get there.  Another message behind the image is that we need to find the good in life, and when life gives us something bitter we must find a way to make it sweet.

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